Public comments delivered by Carol Spencer at the 3/4/25 City of Bastrop Council Meeting. The Council had multiple ordinances modifying its B3 Zoning Code on the agenda for 1st reading, with second reading and adoption one week later.
In college, I majored in French. I then joined IBM in computer sales. I was not a civil engineer, planner, surveyor or well versed in any other land use profession. So why was I appointed to our local planning board? I was treasurer of a citizens group involved in a local affordable housing issue. Development was exploding in our town, just like here. I knew that planning was a critical driver of what our community would ultimately look like. But my background meant I had a lot to learn.
This is where your citizens are today. They, like you and I, didn’t wake up one morning knowing what is a plat, what are setbacks, what’s an ADU, how is density calculated, what’s the relationship amongst development, school taxes, city & county taxes. They didn’t wake up knowing how to participate in the planning process: concept plans, public hearings, first readings, second readings, advisory reviews, conditional uses, and so much more.
The last time y’all changed the code, it took 7 months with multiple listening sessions in the City. In a less formal environment, people could ask questions and learn. But not this time.
If you stay on this course, only 23 days will have passed from the first Planning & Zoning public hearing to final adoption by this Council, just a few more than that from the city-wide mailing. Take out weekends and holidays that city hall is closed, that’s only 16 working days. Sixteen days for average citizens to absorb what you’re doing, ask questions, understand the process, and attempt to have their voices heard both pro and con.
I’m not opposed to most of what you’re considering. My main concern is that you’re ignoring density by not addressing ADUs on small lots.
So while you’re banning duplexes, you’re still allowing a single family home and 2 additional dwelling units on that same lot. Ban two dwelling units, but allow three by ordinance? That’s increased density. Is that really what you want to do?
Indefinitely postpone these ordinances until your planners draft a full buildout plan showing what this city will look like when built out according to these new codes. Give your citizens time to absorb this information so they can make informed comments on these major changes to their city. That’s the responsible thing to do as elected officials.
Thank you.