Professional Resume


A visionary and innovative leader with a broad background in the private sector, public sector, and non-profit world. Nationally recognized for innovative use of social media in emergency management and state of the art government web development. Extensive experience in needs assessment, systems design and installation of computer systems and software, building web presences, and social media applications. Broad public service experience. Excellent organizational skills. These extensive leadership, management and technical experiences, combined with excellent people skills, produce successful results.


Stormzero LLC, 2015 to 2022 Rockaway, NJ
Digital & Social Media Consultant
Subject matter expert and featured speaker on the use of social media for emergency communication

  • Provides professional presentations on a variety of topics including communications planning, emergency communications, social media bootcamps, policy development, implementation considerations, and more.
  • Provides consulting services and training to local government agencies in the planning and implementation of emergency communications using social media.
  • Provides training to local government agencies in all aspects of the use of social media and digital communications.

County of Morris, 1993 to 2014 Morristown, NJ
Office of Public Information –Digital & Social Media Manager
Information Technology Division (ITD) – Web Manager

  • As the only web professional in ITD until 2007, I personally designed, authored and maintained more than 20 public-facing websites and the county’s intranet. I studied and put into practice citizen-centric information architecture, standards-based graphic layout and design, and accessible web content.
  • Adapting quickly to smartphone and tablet technologies, under my leadership Morris County developed an award-winning responsive website:
  • Recognizing the vast potential of social media, I initiated Morris County’s social media presence in 2009, which now includes Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Blogger and Scribd. Morris County is nationally acclaimed for our social media use.
  • To reach citizens where they live online, I led a signification expansion of our communication methodologies to include social, mobile, email, text and web, thus enhancing the interaction between government and the citizens it serves.
  • To provide a framework for policy development, standards and best practices adoption as well as strategic project prioritization, I established a web governance committee.
  • Always managing for maximum efficiency, I seek opportunities for shared services with various levels of government. I developed a county-led, social media based, multi-jursdictional emergency management notification system (MCUrgent); co-founded the Government Web Professionals of NJ and the National Association of Government Webmasters.
  • I developed and teach a Municipal Social Media Training Series: Facebook & Twitter for Municipalities, Social Media Bootcamp, MCUrgent for Municipalities as a shared service for our towns. Nearly every Morris County municipality posting to Twitter or Facebook during Superstorm Sandy was trained by me.
  • To promote government transparency and content usability, I monitor internet related legislation and its impact on Morris County. Where applicable, through the Government Web Professionals of NJ, I work with legislators to ensure legislation is written to achieve the intended goals.
  • To effectively leverage limited resources, I research and analyze new technologies to determine their applicability and cost effectiveness in improving county government service delivery. I then manage the implementation of selected solutions.
  • Secure and reliable infrastructure is critical to service continuity. With that as a primary goal, I select and manage web and social media infrastructure, including hosting and application software solutions.

Information Technology Division (ITD) – Special Projects Manager, 1993 – 1999

  • Project Manager and Author: ITD 1996-2000 Strategic Plan. This document established a plan for moving from a mainframe to a client server environment.
  • Immediately understanding the potential of the web for government communication, I designed and wrote Morris County’s first website when the web was in its infancy.

P&S Software (Consulting), 1985 to 1993 Denville, NJ

  • Small business consulting including needs assessments, systems design, software selection, installation, and training.

IBM Corporation, 1974 to 1985 Parsippany, NJ
Marketing Representative

  • Had full managerial control over a territory of 80+ installed mid-range system accounts.
  • Leveraged all IBM resources necessary for a high degree of customer satisfaction: administrative support, installation planning, physical planning, and systems engineering support. Worked side by side with customer executives to provide technology solutions that would increase efficiency and reduce costs, resulting in improved profitability.
  • Recognized specialist in data communications technologies and manufacturing application software, frequently consulted by my peers in complex sales situations.
  • Consistently exceeded IBM sales objectives, earning membership in the exclusive IBM Hundred Percent Club, regularly being recognized for early attainment of objectives.


Denville Township Mayor, 1996 – 1999 Denville, NJ

  • Developed and managed a municipal budget of over $13,000,000 annually. Under my leadership, through the use of business process improvements, taxes increased only once over a six year period.
  • Coordinated a $7.5 million dollar, multi-agency agreement with Denville, Morris County, and the State of NJ to preserve a 434-acre open space parcel.
  • Managed the development of a low/moderate income senior housing project from inception through completion. Innovative techniques such as an architectural design contest, Federal tax credits, and grant funding brought the project in on time and under budget.
  • Personally designed and installed Denville’s first computer network to enhance productivity; Recognizing the potential for disseminating information to the public, I personally designed and wrote Denville’s first official web site.

Denville Township Council, 1990 – 1995, Council President 1994 Denville, NJ
MPrevention is Key – Founding Member, Board of Directors, 1986 to present
Ayres/Knuth Farm Foundation, 1997 to 2015 Denville, NJ
County of Morris Information Technology Cmte, 1992 – 1993 Morris Cty, NJ


  • Presentation subjects include MCUrgent; Whole Community Digital Communications Planning; Using and Evaluating Free & Low Cost Social Media Tools; Who Will Tend Your Garden; Whole Community Response: Why This Matters; Policy Development; The Double-Edged Sword of Social Networks; Legal Issues
  • Gov20Radio: Social Media, Local Government & NAGW


  •  2018 Steven Michael Moore Pinnacle Award, National Assoc of Government Web Professionals For Excellence in the Government Web Profession
  • 2012 Pinnacle Award, National Assoc of Government Web Professionals Microsite Category: website
  • E-Government for Public Managers: Administering the Virtual Public Sphere. Robert A Cropf. Published 2016. (pp. 88-89 discuss MCUrgent as an example of government innovation)
  • Government Technology Magazine – Social Media and Emergency Management to Collide (August 2013)
  • Hootsuite Case Study: Morris County NJ – Integrating Social Media into Governmental Emergency Response (February 2013)
  • National Association of State CIOs ( Cross Jurisdictional Collaboration
  • MCUrgent: A Shared Social Media Emergency Information Network (October 2012)
  • National Association of Government Webmasters 2013 Pinnacle Award
  • Microsite Category:
  • Systems Engineering Appreciation Award – IBM Corp
  • Outstanding Young Women of America Award
  • Who’s Who of American Women


National Association of Government Web Professionals, Inc.
Finance Director, 2013 to 2015; Treasurer & Northeast Region Director, 2005 to 2013

  • Authored initial incorporation papers and non-profit application (501(c)(6)).
  • Treasurer, 9 years. Responsible for all financial matters.
  • Member of the Board of Directors from NAGW’s inception to and including 2013.
  • Executive, marketing and sponsor committee member; National Conference Chair, 2006.

Government Web Professionals of NJ
Founding member; President, 2008 – 2009, 2011

  • State-wide group that meets bi-monthly to discuss the challenges and opportunities experienced by local government web professionals in meeting citizen expectations of their government in a digital world.


Bates College, Bachelor of Arts Lewiston, ME

IBM Corporation Armonk, NY

“The IBM salesforce professionalism was a blend of practical knowledge of the worlds that their customers inhabited, mediated by their training (to post-graduate level) in IT theory and their own intelligence.” David Mercer, IBM: How the World’s Most Successful Corporation is Managed, Kogan Page Ltd (March 22, 1987)

Intensive 18-month Data Processing Division (DPD) Systems Design & Marketing training:

  • Business Fundamentals
  • Multiple Programming Languages
  • Fundamentals of Systems Design & Marketing
  • Marketing Fundamentals
  • Intensive 9-month General Systems Division (GSD) System and Marketing training:
  • Design/Programming Fundamentals
  • Advanced Programming Courses for the IBM Mid-Range Computing Platform
  • Sales School (Endicott NY)

All courses were graded, included prerequisite work and presentations in the branch office, with passage mandatory before moving to the next course. Additional training in Data Communications & Remote Access, Relational Databases, Direct Access Storage, S/360, S/370, OS/VS1, OS/VS2, MVS, CICS, S/32, S/34, S/36, S/38, Personal Computers, MAPICS (Manufacturing, Accounting, Production & Inventory Control Systems) and a variety of software applications.

Rutgers University, Center for Government Services New Brunswick, NJ

  • Introduction to Local Government in NJ
  • Local Public Contracts Law
  • Municipal Finance Administration

Other Courses/Training

  • FEMA: Public Information in an All-Hazards Incident
  • FEMA: Social Media for Natural Disaster Response & Recovery (NDTPC)

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