In Memory 20 (now 22) Years Later

Below is the letter to the editor I sent twenty years ago. I lived in Denville NJ, worked for Morris County NJ. I could see the towers from “The Hill”, a cluster of county buildings. I could see the smoke for what seemed like forever from the hills in Denville.

I’m sad to say, it seems like we have forgotten. I’m sad to say our country does not share the patience of the terrorists. I’m sad to say today’s President has turned victory into defeat and handed an entire country and our military equipment to the terrorists.

May we find our response once again as we did after 9-11. And, may God continue to bless us all, especially these United States.

September 21, 2001

To the Editor:

One of the greatest lessons my parents taught me was that we can achieve anything if we want it badly enough and work to achieve it with relentless patience, fairness, truthfulness, diligence and determination.

It is clear now that these ice-hearted terrorists lived next door to us, sent their children to our schools, learned their trades in our schools, and profited from our financial institutions FOR YEARS. They were focused, patient, and determined. They planned this, and other, despicable acts over YEARS.

When their first attempt to down the towers didn’t work, they didn’t point fingers, wail, and place blame.

Over several more YEARS, they planned and hit other US targets: our Embassies and the USS Cole.

They steeled themselves to do better the next time, learning from their mistakes. They kept, and still keep, their eyes focused on their goal. To win this war, to maintain our freedom, we must be as steeled.

Our President has asked that we
be equally as focused, patient, and determined. We must resolve that we can spend five years, ten years, twenty or more planning and executing this war to rout terrorism from the globe.

We must remember that a ten-year battle to preserve a 225-year heritage of democracy and freedom is SO little to give, so little to sacrifice.

To those who have been stung by the sudden loss of their loved ones, I offer my sincerest condolences. To Mayor Guiliani and every American who has stepped forward to lead and to assist, thank you, for you have defined heroism in front of our eyes, untiringly, day after day.

Everything we stand for, everything we live for, is at stake. We must put COUNTRY first, as without that, the foundations of our families, our communities, our workplaces, and every other aspect of life as we know it will be destroyed.

We must stay the course for a long, long time.

God Bless America!

Carol A. Spencer

Former Mayor, Denville Township, NJ

If you’re not watching, you should be

If you’re not watching Mike Lindell’s Symposium on the 2020 election, you should be.

This isn’t political. This isn’t about Trump.

This is about cyber security. This is about cyber warfare. It’s about the ways machines can be hacked. Not connected to the Internet? Really? How would you know? It’s the question I raised when we ‘tested’ the machines locally.

This isn’t about mail-in ballots. This is about digital hacking. You’ll get quite the education, not matter what you believe after hearing the evidence and experts.

China is not going to have to fire a shot to take over our country. They will control elections, while we sit arguing with each other about poll watchers, mail-in ballots, state laws.

Watch. Learn. Understand the math, the movement of data, the transformation of data, and the stealing of our elections.

Hey TX House: Texas is red, not purple

I am proud to be a signer of this letter to Texas House members from the Texas Conservative Grassroots Coalition. Nearly 200 conservative leaders from across the great State of Texas signed this letter.

I know they agree with me that we didn’t work as hard as we did in this election cycle to get Republicans elected, only to see members vote for a House Speaker who thinks it’s okay for Democrats to chair House committees. We didn’t work as hard as we did to see the GOP legislative priorities be ignored and not put to a vote. We didn’t work as hard as we did to see a purple legislative session when all is said and done.

As the letter states, “To be clear, Texas voters did not vote for bipartisan capitulation or compromise with Democrats, they voted for conservative Republican policies to be enacted.”

And finally, “We expect each Texas House Republican to visibly work to get the Republican Party of Texas Legislative Priorities to the floor for a vote and to fight on to pass those priorities. We expect each Texas House Republican to visibly stand against the appointment of Democrats to House Committee Chairmanships and against Democrat majorities on the committees.”

Be happy!

While the results of the presidential election are still not determined, and the news media has called the race for Democrat Joe Biden, the news across the country for the GOP is excellent. Be happy!

While the results of the presidential election are still not determined, and the news media has called the race for Democrat Joe Biden, the news across the country for the GOP is excellent. Be happy!

Bastrop GOP LogoBastrop County GOP swept every contested race in the County.  Every GOP candidate won here.  Congrats to Mike Gepner on providing the leadership, and hands on work, that a county chairman should.  Congrats to Mike and his team on building the network needed to take us forward as a growing county with a growing Republican Party.

Republicans are expected to gain 13 more seats in the US House of Representatives. Current totals are Dems: 215, GOP: 201, Not yet decided: 19.  218 are needed for a majority.

Republicans held all statehouse chambers. And, the GOP gained control of both the NH House and Senate. Redistricting happens after a census year, so in many states, including TX, FL and NC, GOP legislatures will be drawing the maps. Those three states represent more than 80 house seats.

Congressman Michael McCaulTexans continue to be represented by two Republican US Senators: Senator Ted Cruz and John Cornyn, who handily won re-election. In our own Bastrop County, both Congressman Michael McCaul (CD-10) and Congressman Michael Cloud (CD-27) won re-election.

Let’s talk Texas:

  1. All statewide positions stayed with the GOP.
  2. Nearly all judicial positions remained in GOP hands.
  3. The Texas House continues with a GOP majority: the same split as it had in the 2019 session (83 GOP to 67 Dems).
  4. The Texas Senate continues with a GOP majority. We lost the super majority by one seat, but kept the split nearly what it was in the 2019 session. (19 GOP to 12 Dems in 2019; now 18 GOP to 13 Dems)
  5. Overall, Texas did not lose one GOP Congressional seat and is poised to pick up two, or possibly three, additional seats due to the census. With both the Texas House and Senate firmly in GOP hands, and a Republican governor, the redistricting map, including those two new Congressional districts, will be drawn by the GOP.

There is much to celebrate for the GOP both in Texas and nationwide. Be happy!

#StopTheSteal #UniteFor45

Facebook and Big Tech are at it again. They’ve now shut down Stop The Steal groups on Facebook three times. That’s right. Three different groups. They claim the group was promoting violence. I guess our peaceful protests are viewed as violence by Facebook, whereas actual violence is viewed as peaceful protests. 1984.

Bastrop County TX Trump RallyShould they shut down our Bastrop County Patriots group, come on over here to my website. We’ll keep y’all informed via blog posts.

Our parade and rally will be Sunday, November 8 at 4PM. Posters with details are right here on this website:

ONE up flyer, suitable for sharing:…/12/Trump2020-11ParadeFlyer.pdf

TWO up flyer, suitable for printing:…/Trump2020-11ParadeFlyer-2up.p…

We also recommend you join Parler ( They are a true platform as defined in Section 230 of US Code. You won’t get banned there. You’ll find me there as ChazTX.

Did you know that Google stopped returning any Brietbart articles in Google searches since May? I suggest you stop using Google and instead use Duck-Duck-Go as your search engine. Google, Facebook, Twitter and others hide behind Section 230, claiming they are platforms (think RR tracks) rather than publishers.

Only Certain Allegations

Speculation ran rampant for more than three years. Allegations flew from the mouths of anonymous accusers and on-the-record accusers. Newspapers printed it all, both online and on paper. Social media was abuzz, sharing and tagging were the order of the day on all social channels.

But not this allegation. Not this speculation. This has been blocked by Twitter and Facebook. They wanted you to know every little alleged detail about Donald Trump, Russia and the Ukraine. They don’t want you to know every little alleged detail about Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, China and the Ukraine. So, they’ve blocked users who had the nerve to share a story from the nation’s fourth largest newspaper.

Front Page - NY Post Hunter BidenThe NY Post published an article citing emails and showing photos of Hunter Biden with a crack pipe in his mouth. Where did all this come from? Allegedly from Hunter Biden’s own hard drive.

And today, the NY Post revealed more of those emails, tying Biden to a Chinese firm for a $10 million deal and 50% of the firm.

Twitter and Facebook blocked sharing of this article and shut down users who attempted to do so. I hope you weren’t blocked. I hope I’m not blocked.

Looking for the article? Use DuckDuckGo as your search engine. Break away from Google and its algorithms that control what you see and search return rankings.

Explain how Trump is okay for our country

A friend private messaged me on Facebook. “I would love you to explain to me how Trump is ok for our country and constitution and tell me you think he is a good president. I will try to revisit my position.”

I responded as follows:
“First: he’s done what he promised to do. The elected official that actually does what he/she said he/she would do is rare.

“Second: I believe in the wall to stop guns, drugs, and human trafficking as much as possible. He’s moved that forward.

“Third: I’ve been hearing “energy independence” since sitting in gas lines in the 1970s when I needed gas to work. We have achieved that under Trump due to deregulation.

“Fourth: The First Step Act which has given those non-violent offenders with ridiculously long sentences another chance at life out of jail, changing people’s lives.

“Fifth: Calling out China on their abuses…. cheap Chinese labor is nothing more than slavery in another country and our corporations have benefited from that ever since Clinton gave China most favored nation status. Trump is holding the Chinese back from buying Africa through Chinese funded infrastructure project loans they can never pay back, using Chinese (not local) employees, and Eastern Europe through energy dependence.

“Sixth: Opportunity Zones in the inner cities, leading to lower unemployment… these encourage economic development in our cities where it’s desperately needed for jobs and a tax base to support civic programs.

“And, this is purely subjective.. he believes in this country, its people, and is a cheerleader for innovation and economic growth.”

For anyone reading this far: visit to compose YOUR list of why you’re voting for President Donald J. Trump.