So Goes Texas. So Goes the Nation

Texas CapitolI’m off to the Texas Capitol tomorrow (Tuesday) for the very important vote for TX Speaker of the House. Will Democrats with a few Republican votes pick our Speaker when EVERY statewide position is in Republican hands, the TX Senate has a Republican majority, and oh yeah, the TX House has a Republican majority (88 / 62)?

Yes they will because of a few power-grabbing Republicans who won’t follow the rules (my Rep included), who would rather throw their lot in with Democrats than to support the GOP Caucus choice, who would rather slap those Republicans who supported them with time and money, who would rather get in bed with lobbyists than support their Republican voters.

I hate getting up early but will do so tomorrow at 5:45 AM in order to get the bus at 8AM. This is very, very important to the Great State of Texas, and to the United States as a whole. So goes Texas, so goes the Nation.