The Poison Pill

This morning at 4AM while most of us were sleeping, including many of our TX House Reps, the 232 page Texas House Rules bill dropped. That’s right, 4AM. I’m writing this at 4PM the same day and that package was adopted by the Texas House just an hour ago. No amendments were allowed.

Exactly as predicted, it allows chairs of committees to only come from the majority party. So, yes, Dem Chairs aren’t allowed. But all vice chairs must be from the minority party. And, much more benefiting Democrats is in the rules.

These rules create twelve “Permanent Standing Subcommittees” (a new category of subcommittee) to which the Speaker shall appoint chairs (of either party), may refer bills, will choose members. These committees will hold separate meetings from the committee to which they report…. In other words, through these rules, subcommittees have been permanently established that will, in essence, act as full committees.

Clearly, “Permanent Standing Subcommittees” have been established to circumvent the rules, especially that rule requiring chairs from the majority party. And, should a new Speaker be appointed, that Speaker is not allowed to change the make-up of the committees appointed by the prior Speaker during this entire session.

This is the first of things Democrats will get for their votes putting Dustin Burrows in the Speaker’s position, the majority of votes that put him there by the way.

What else will Speaker Burrows give away during this session to the renegade Republicans who thwarted GOP voters, our platform, our legislative priorities and their own rules? He’ll give away “Permanent Standing Subcommittee” chairmanships to those who joined with Democrats to keep the Austin Swamp in power.

We’re watching and wondering. I’m wondering how long it’s going to take Stan Gerdes’ consultants to post on his Social Media that he voted to ban Dem chairs. Probably a few hours…. But, I’ll bet he doesn’t tell you about Permanent Standing Committees, and the other Dem-favorable provisions of these Rules. I’ll bet he doesn’t tell you he voted to not allow any amendments or to shut off all debate. We’ll see.

Facebook is at it again.

Imagine my surprise when I found a warning in my FB timeline about a “photo” a friend had shared. I can’t think of anything, EVER, that has been shared with me that had “violent or graphic content”.

Read the POST below (though it was put up as a graphic file format). Just what exactly about it is “violent or graphic content”? NOTHING. It applies to anyone moving anywhere because they like what they saw, and then when they get there, trying to change the new location so it mimics where they came from. That’s reality whether it’s from city to city, state to state, or country to country.

Facebook strikes again.

Business Continuity or Outright Coup

I ask you: do you know one successful corporation that is lead by a steering committee without a powerful executive at the helm?  (And let’s face it, political parties ARE corporations.)

Think GE under Jack Welsh, a company that now, under weak leadership, has lost its place on the Dow. Think JP Morgan Chase under Jamie Dimon. Study the difference in IBM under Lou Gerstner and Jack Akers. Remember Chrysler under Lee Iococca? Apple – Steve Jobs. Microsoft – Bill Gates. I could go on naming recognizable corporate names.

Yet, in Republican political organizations the recent push seems to be to overthrow strong, successful leaders, allegedly to “empower the grassroots”, to change a top-down organization to a bottom-up organization, implementing a weaker committee leadership style instead of a strong chief executive.

First, it was Travis County which created the roadmap on how to emasculate a county chair. Using the same technique of bylaw modification, Bastrop County, Montgomery County, Galveston County followed suit. At a minimum, these four counties have seen controlling interests among Republican precinct chairs completely strip the duly elected county chairs of their power. Only time will tell how successful this move is in growing the Party, getting out the vote and Keeping Texas Red, but I have my doubts.

Business continuity planning or outright coup?  What’s the best way to manage an organization, to successfully move it forward In my opinion, these people would do better to recognize the accomplishments of their predessors, learn from them, get experience in all facets of life (including life outside the political world), determine the appropriate management style for success, and then make their mark on the future of the Republican Party by appropriately modifying bylaws. Doing so would ensure Texas’ red status for years to come.  But a coup, just because the votes are there, is not the quick fix they anticipate it will be.

What a Difference One Vote Makes

This fall, Bastrop County voters have the privilege of voting for four Third Court of Appeals justices.  A total of six justices make up the Third Court. Votes for the four Third Court of Appeals justices are likely the most important votes you will cast in November 2018.

We’re lucky in Texas to be able to vote for our judges and justices.  Votes matter!  Some justices are appointed, for example, US Supreme Court justices.  Appointees matter! Appointing authorities matter!

US Supreme Court building

I recall answering one “what are your three most important issues” poll prior to the November 2016 presidential election with “Supreme Court. Supreme Court. Supreme Court.” I know many who felt that way. Prophetic.

Today, President Trump’s “Travel Ban” was upheld, by a 5-4 vote. It held “The President has lawfully exercised the broad discretion granted to him under 8 U. S. C. §1182(f) to suspend the entry of aliens into the United States; respondents have not demonstrated a likelihood of success on the merits of their claim that Presidential Proclamation No. 9645 violates the Establishment Clause.”

Yesterday, by a 5-4 vote, our Congressional District 27 map was upheld by the Supreme Court. It determined “The District Court disregarded the presumption of legislative good faith and improperly reversed the burden of proof when it required the State to show a lack of discriminatory intent in adopting new districting plans;[…].”

And, last Friday in another 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court determined that government needs a warrant to seize historical location data from cell phones. It ruled “The Government’s acquisition of Carpenter’s cell-site records from his wireless carriers was a Fourth Amendment search; and the Government did not obtain a warrant supported by probable cause before acquiring those records.”

In each case, Neil Gorsuch was among the five jurists in the majority. Would the majority have ruled the same way if a Barack Obama appointed liberal jurist were sitting in the seat occupied by Neil Gorsuch? I doubt it.

Your votes for the Third Court of Appeals will have similar impact.  Don’t let this incredible opportunity to have an impact on your own day-to-day lives pass you by.




Political Activism or Community Activism

The current CD 27 Special Election is critical!  Republicans need a 50%+1 win on June 30 to avoid a September runoff that will be costly to Texas voters, costly to our candidate, and potentially costly to the balance of the House of Representatives if not won by a Republican.

Political strategists would expect the Bastrop Republican County Executive Committee (BRCEC) as a whole to be working hard to get out the Republican vote for this election.  Sadly, that’s not the case.

Community organizing is apparently more important. The Republican chair has asked for volunteers for an Elgin community event all day on Saturday, June 23, exactly one week before Election Day.

Elgin is not part of CD 27 In fact, Elgin sits at the most northwestern tip of Bastrop County, far away from CD 27.  It’s in Congressional District 10, Mike McCaul’s district.

But getting known in the community is important, you say.  Yes, it is.  But when the balance of the U.S. House of Representatives is at stake, political activism trumps community activism every time.

For those in my precinct, look for this postcard in your mail this week. It has information about the Special Election, how to contact me, and where to find Bastrop County Republican information online. Even if you’re not in my precinct, but are in CD 27, please share with your friends, and be sure to early vote or vote on June 30!

Intro Postcard - Back
Intro Postcard - Front with contact information

Identity Crisis in Leadership

We can’t keep Texas Red if our Republican leaders praise and support elected Democrats.  Just because an office is non-partisan under Texas law, if an elected official’s voting record is solidly Democrat, the values he relies on to make decisions are solidly Democrat.

Thus, it was stunning to see this FB post from Republican Precinct Chair and Republican Chair-elect two days ago.

GOP Chair-Elect praises Democrat Mayor

Smithville’s mayor is a solid Democrat, voting in every Democrat primary from 2010 to 2018.

These non-partisan local offices are fertile ground for future leaders. Democrats know that.  To keep Texas red, Republicans, not Democrats, should be running our cities.

Those of us who serve in Republican political party offices should understand that our primary goal is to elect Republicans.  The values of the Republican Party are our values; the goals of the Republican Party are our goals. Any elected Republican leader who supports or praises elected Democrats should immediately relinguish that leadership position. 

My goal is to keep Texas red, so giving Democrats free advertising and support isn’t in my playbook.  And when I see local elected Republican Party leaders doing so, I’ll call them out publicly on this blog.

When Republicans act like Democrats, we lose.  And, no one should undertand that better than elected Party leadership.

Freezing Fun at Jamboree

When I decided to move to Texas, I told my daughter (who lives in Austin) not to worry about me.  I wouldn’t be one of those retired moms who looks to her daughter for constant company and entertainment.  I said “Don’t worry about me.  I’ll find a Republican women’s club and I’ll be fine.”

Fast forward, I got married, retired, and we bought our house in Bastrop County.  Unfortunately, the women’s Republican club here had just disbanded.

LPRW at ARW luncheon with Congressman McCaul
LPRW at ARW with Congressman McCaul

So, for 2 years, I joined Austin Republican Women.  Then, with the help of then-Republican Chair Jeanne Raley, we were able to pull together 10 paid members (required by NFRW) and charter the Lost Pines Republican Women. The ladies in both of these clubs have proven that Republican women’s clubs are a great place to meet like-minded women, make great friends, have fun, and raise money to support Republican causes and candidates.

Yesterday, for the second time, LPRW had a booth and parade entry at the Smithville Jamboree.  For the second year in a row, we were wrapped in winter coats and blankets.  Second Place, Best Organization Smithville Jamboree 2018 trophy But, for the first time, we won a trophy: 2nd Place, Best Organization.  And, we had a blast doing it.  We decorated the truck on Friday (and it survived a horrible overnight thunder storm), enjoyed dinner together, set up our “stuff” early on Saturday morning, and again, dined together. We shared stories of the day, of our lives, of the political world.

If you’re a Republican woman in Bastrop County looking for friends and fun, join the Lost Pines Republican Women!