Identity Crisis in Leadership

We can’t keep Texas Red if our Republican leaders praise and support elected Democrats.  Just because an office is non-partisan under Texas law, if an elected official’s voting record is solidly Democrat, the values he relies on to make decisions are solidly Democrat.

Thus, it was stunning to see this FB post from Republican Precinct Chair and Republican Chair-elect two days ago.

GOP Chair-Elect praises Democrat Mayor

Smithville’s mayor is a solid Democrat, voting in every Democrat primary from 2010 to 2018.

These non-partisan local offices are fertile ground for future leaders. Democrats know that.  To keep Texas red, Republicans, not Democrats, should be running our cities.

Those of us who serve in Republican political party offices should understand that our primary goal is to elect Republicans.  The values of the Republican Party are our values; the goals of the Republican Party are our goals. Any elected Republican leader who supports or praises elected Democrats should immediately relinguish that leadership position. 

My goal is to keep Texas red, so giving Democrats free advertising and support isn’t in my playbook.  And when I see local elected Republican Party leaders doing so, I’ll call them out publicly on this blog.

When Republicans act like Democrats, we lose.  And, no one should undertand that better than elected Party leadership.

Freezing Fun at Jamboree

When I decided to move to Texas, I told my daughter (who lives in Austin) not to worry about me.  I wouldn’t be one of those retired moms who looks to her daughter for constant company and entertainment.  I said “Don’t worry about me.  I’ll find a Republican women’s club and I’ll be fine.”

Fast forward, I got married, retired, and we bought our house in Bastrop County.  Unfortunately, the women’s Republican club here had just disbanded.

LPRW at ARW luncheon with Congressman McCaul
LPRW at ARW with Congressman McCaul

So, for 2 years, I joined Austin Republican Women.  Then, with the help of then-Republican Chair Jeanne Raley, we were able to pull together 10 paid members (required by NFRW) and charter the Lost Pines Republican Women. The ladies in both of these clubs have proven that Republican women’s clubs are a great place to meet like-minded women, make great friends, have fun, and raise money to support Republican causes and candidates.

Yesterday, for the second time, LPRW had a booth and parade entry at the Smithville Jamboree.  For the second year in a row, we were wrapped in winter coats and blankets.  Second Place, Best Organization Smithville Jamboree 2018 trophy But, for the first time, we won a trophy: 2nd Place, Best Organization.  And, we had a blast doing it.  We decorated the truck on Friday (and it survived a horrible overnight thunder storm), enjoyed dinner together, set up our “stuff” early on Saturday morning, and again, dined together. We shared stories of the day, of our lives, of the political world.

If you’re a Republican woman in Bastrop County looking for friends and fun, join the Lost Pines Republican Women!