The Court System is Rigged

No surprise here. It has been for years.

Deliberations in the NY Trump trial lasted a total of 9.5 hours on 34 felony counts over the course of two days: 4.5 hours the first day and 5 hours the second day. 

Do the math. 

(9.5 hours X 60 minutes) / 34 counts = 16.76 minutes per count

With time for readbacks of the judge’s instructions twice, plus some other testimony, that’s barely 15 minutes per count.

This can’t be called deliberations.  Fifteen minutes per count isn’t enough time to discuss anything, and barely enough time to actually conduct a vote of the jurors.

This is just another example of how this trial was rigged.  The time calculation says these jurors discussed the counts as a group and voted on them as a group when they should have considered them one at a time.  Had they done that, they’d still be deliberating.

I’ve done jury duty.  I have first-hand knowledge of how deliberations are done. 

This was a rigged trial, start to finish.  It will be overturned on appeal, but that will take years.

Imagine if this were you.  Are you a billionaire?  How much money do you have available to defend yourself against charges like this in a rigged system?  You’d settle because you can’t afford the bleed of money to lawyers and experts, with the possibility that you won’t win anyway. 

How do I know?  I fought a politically motivated traffic ticket where clearly I had not violated the law.  When the legal bills climbed higher than what I could possibly justify spending, I caved.  I stood in front of a judge and pled out.  I wanted to throw up after I did that, basically lying to the court because I was not guilty.  But when I balanced my innocence and depleting my kids’ college funds, I couldn’t bring myself to spend their futures on my lawyers and court costs.

So yes, it can happen to you.  When Trump says he’d doing this for you, yes he is.  It’s why anyone who has experience with the broken court system will vote for Trump.  He has exposed this rigged system.  He has now lived this rigged system.  I’m sad for his family and what they’re going through, but so proud to have cast my vote for him twice already.  And, in November, I’ll proudly cast my vote for patriot Donald Trump once again.