There are many reasons to vote in the Republican Primary in Texas. I know… you’re confident President Trump is going to win his primary (yes, he has primary challengers). And, since you know this, why vote?

First, from a purely selfish point of view, I’m also on the ballot and I have a challenger. I’ve worked hard here in Bastrop County to do my part to energize Republicans, to raise money and donate it to our GOP candidates, to spread our message through the web and social media, and to create an atmosphere where friendships are built and people can use their talents for a common purpose. Our Lost Pines Republican Women’s club is almost 70 strong from the 10 we started with in January 2017. We’ve won state and national awards, and our members are nothing short of phenomenal Republicans. I would appreciate your vote for my re-election as Republican Precinct Chair in Precinct 1003.
Second, there are 10 questions on the Republican ballot, seeking voter opinion on issues that will be discussed at our May TexasGOP Convention. You can download a flyer with the questions, or get your sample ballot and read them there. Then, cast your vote, expressing YOUR opinion. Be heard!!

Third, not all states vote for their judges. Texans do. We’re lucky in that regard. We don’t have to live with a liberal judge, appointed for life or until the age of 70 when in some states, retirement is forced. We get to choose. Do so!
There are other candidates on the ballot, too. You can visit public office candidate websites at Where we could find them online, we provided those links. Learn, then vote. has times and places for Early Voting and March 3 Election Day.