Food for Thought

Here’s a (rhetorical) question for you to consider.  I’ve been involved in the political world in two states.  The states are very different, but the political party is the same. And, it appears, the power plays, derogatory comments, and backstabbing are the same as well.  The politics of personal destruction is alive and well in both, too.  So, I posted this on Facebook:

Could someone please explain to me why the chair of an organization would resign as chair and then immediately set up a competing organization, raising money in the same way, from the same people, andfor the same causes he/she raised money for as chair of the first organization?

Instead of collaborating positively, you constantly compete with and badmouth the organization you helped grow and the people who helped you grow it. You were already in power. You could do whatever you wanted with the organization including bringing in new leadership and new ideas.

I’m listening, because personally, I can’t think of one good reason for this divisive and damaging action.

Fascinating that the first comment was from NJ and the second from TX. And, the “likes”? Both states. I wonder if my involvement spanned three, four, or five states, would posts based in personal experiences come from them all?  I submit that’s likely the case.  And, I submit that if we as a Party don’t stop this, we’ll destroy ourselves from within. 

Ours is a competition of ideas. Our ideological competitors are Democrats, socialists, and others whose beliefs are diametrically opposed to ours.  It would serve us all well to remember our core beliefs and stand together with others who share them. United we stand.