Conservative? In Name Only

This is shocking! While conservative groups and talk show hosts, including FreedomWorks and Tucker Carlson, are busy informing the public about the dangers of ESG investing and encouraging people to “put their money where their mouth is”, the Bastrop County Conservatives are doing just the opposite.

They’ve denounced a similarly named Instagram account because posts on that account dared to suggest that people should do just that: not spend their money at businesses that don’t share their values. (Article in the Austin Stateman:

The Back Story

On Wednesday, August 10, a release was issued under the name of the Bastrop County Conservatives regarding a name confusion on Instagram.

The August 10 release stated “Mel Cooper, one of the founding members of Bastrop County Conservatives, stated ‘The statements posted on this other Instagram account were not from our group and do not conform with our views or values.'” [emphasis added]

What were those postings that were so offensive that they required a press release?

See for yourself: (no instagram account required to see them).

They are pro-life, anti-mask mandates, pro-constitutional carry, pro-GOP, against the Drag Story Hour held in Bastrop and supported by Bastrop Dems, pro-Trump, anti-liberals.

While Cooper says these don’t conform with the views and values of his group, they do conform to planks of the recently adopted GOP platform.

Apparently people agree with them because that Instagram account has more than 1,100 people following it. Cooper’s group? 50.

Why the divisiveness? What’s to gain by publicly fighting over a name in the social space? And, which posts are so offensive they “do not conform with [Cooper’s] views or values”?

Do Cooper and crew support mandatory union dues allowing unions to donate massive amounts to woke Dem candidates? Cooper’s anti-boycott stance in support of spending money at businesses that diametrically oppose one’s views and values is no different.

The only logical conclusion is the conservative group that issued the press release isn’t so conservative after all.