Do Your Job

To quote Bill Belichick, NE Patriots coach, for a team to win, players must “do your job”. The same applies to precinct chairs.

Precinct chairs are elected by the Republicans in their precincts. Do voting Republicans elect precinct chairs to do their job or just hold the title?

Having been a precinct chair, I know that rarely do they get the opportunity to choose our Republican candidate. They have that opportunity on Saturday.

There are four candidates for the position of Republican candidate for State Board of Ed in District 5, Bastrop County’s district: David Doman of Travis County, Robert Westbrook of Guadalupe County, Perla Hopkins of Travis County, James Dickey of Travis County. Yet, only two (out of 26) Bastrop County precinct chairs were named as participants on the Zoom candidate forum Wednesday night. (The GOP chair also attended.) Two out of 26!

The vote to replace Mark Loewe, who unfortunately passed away after winning the primary, is tomorrow, Saturday August 6 from noon to 3 p.m. at Pinballz Lake Creek, 13729 Research Blvd., Austin.

If Bastrop County precinct chairs don’t show up, they’ll have abrogated their role in choosing our Republican candidate for STATE Board of Education…. the people who set curriculum, who determine text books, who constitutionally are required to manage the Permanent School Fund.

(update 2:45) I’m excited to hear that the County Chair is calling all of them letting them know how important this is. That’s great. Hopefully, our Bastrop County precinct chairs will do their job!